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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2103   View pdf image (33K)
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Wild Fowl.

1. Shooting at, in flocks from ves-
sels or boats forbidden.
. 2. From booby blinds, more than
one hundred yards from
shore, forbidden.
3. Shooting at water-fowl flying
about their feeding grounds,
from vessel or canoe, or sink
or sneak boats, unlawful.
4. Offenders; penalty.
5 Alders and abetters; penalty.
6. Officer of the State fishery force,
sheriff, constable or commis-
sioned militia officer may
arrest, when; proceedings.
7. Trial before justice.
8. Judgment of justice.
9. Forfeiture of boats and other
property seized.
10. Appeal.
11. Resistance to arrest to be a mis-
12. Distribution of proceeds of sale
of forfeited property; Balti-
more, Harford and Cecil coun-
ties excepted.

Birds and Game.

13. Partridge, quail, etc., time for
shooting or catching; penalty
for non-compliance.
14. Squirrels, time for shooting;
penalty for non-compliance.
Not applicable to Allegany
15. Wild duck, blackhead duck, wild
goose, wild swan oi wild
brant, when not to be killed ;
penalty. Not to apply to Cecil
or Harford counties

16 Doves may not be killed, when ;
17. Snipe or plover may not be
killed, when; penalty. Not
applicable to Worcester
18. Water-rail, ortolan, reed-bird,
rail bird or nee-bird may not
be killed, when; penalties.
19. Penalties for destroying or
having in possession at for-
bidden time certain game.
20. Penalty for having such birds
in possession or exposing for
sale at forbidden times.
21. What birds it shall be unlawful
to kill or have in possession ;
penalties; proviso,
22. Penalties for using gun other
than that prescribed by law.
23. Penalties for killing such birds
or game in the night time.
24. Penalties for shooting with big
or swivel gun.
25. Penalties for shooting to
frighten or diive wild ducks,
etc., from their feeding
26. Penalties for using ferret or
weasel for capturing or killing
birds or game.
27. Penalty for destroying nests or
eggs; exception.
28. Penalty for poisoning domestic
poultry, etc.
29. Penalty for trapping quail,
pheasant, etc.
30. Scientific students of ornithology
or mammalogy exempt from
this sub-title. Certificate to
be procured.


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2103   View pdf image (33K)
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