1888, art. 98, sec 3. 1860, art. 97, sec. 3 1827, ch. 162, sec. 2.
3. The bond executed by said wharfinger shall be filed by the
secretary of State among the papers and documents in his
charge and a copy thereof, certified under his hand and seal,
shall be evidence of the execution and approval thereof and
shall be good evidence in any court of law or equity in this
Ibid, sec 4. 1860, art. 97, sec. 4. 1827, ch. 162, sec. 3.
4t It shall be the duty of the State wharfinger so appointed
to take chaige of the wharves which he may be directed and
authorized to take charge of belonging to or rented by the
State, within said city, and to charge and collect from all
vessels and persons resorting to or using any of said wharves,
that he may have charge of, the rates of wharfage as are now
authorized by any law or ordinance within said city or may
hereafter be established by the mayor and city council of
Ibid. sec. 5. 1860, art. 97, sec. 5. 1827, ch 162, sec. 3. 1865, ch 12
5. He shall be vested with the same powers in regard to the
care of said wharves or such part thereof as may be under his
care and direction and the regulating of vessels and persons
resorting to and using them as any harbor master or other
officer within the city of Baltimore; and any of said persons
who shall refuse or neglect to obey his orders, given in the
execution of his said powers, shall pay and forfeit to this
State the same fine that in the like case a person who should
refuse or neglect to obey the orders of any harbor master
within the said city would, by virtue of the ordinances of the
city of Baltimore, pay and forfeit to the said city. He shall
also be vested with the same powers in regard to the collection
of wharfage and of fines and penalties as any harbor master
within the said city.
Ibid sec. 6. 1860, art. 97, sec.6. 1827, ch. 162, sec. 3.
6. He shall deposit monthly in such banks as the treasurer
shall designate, to the credit of the treasurer, four-fifths part
of the amount of all moneys which he shall collect from time
to time for wharfage, retaining one-fifth as a compensation for
collecting the same.
Ibid. sec. 7 1860, art. 97, sec 7. 1827, ch. 162, sec. 3.
7. He shall, on the first day of May and November in each
year render upon oath to the treasurer an account of all