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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2098   View pdf image (33K)
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1. Appointment of wharfinger in
city of Baltimore.
2. Bond.
3. To be filed with secretary of
State , certified copies.
4. To take charge of wharves be-
longing to State and collect
5. Powers , penalty for disobedience
or neglect of orders.
6. Monthly deposit of monies re-
ceived , amount to be retained
as compensation
7. Account under oath to be ren-
dered to treasurer.
8. To preserve from injury and
have control of State's
9. Collection of wharfage before
justice of the peace.
10 Rates of wharfage; wood laden
11. Reports by Inspectors upon wood
or lumber landed.

12. Annual salary.
13. Wharf on south side of Pratt
street, Baltimore.
14 Renting of wharf between
Dugan's and O'Donnell's
wharves, Baltimore.
15. Vessels landing tobacco at State
tobacco warehouse.
16. Preference to boats having on
board tobacco for inspection.
17. Wood and lumber not to be
landed, where.
18. Penalty.
19. Recovery of fine.
20. Return of fines to be made by
justice of the peace to the
21. Who may build wharves.
22 Wharves on west side of Susque-
hanna; where they may be
23. Penalty for allowing wharf
where passengers are landed
to remain out of repair.

1888, art. 98, sec. 1. 1860, art. 97, sec. 1. 1827, ch. 162, sec. 1.

1. The governor, by and with the consent of the senate,
shall biennally appoint one or more persons of integrity as
wharfingers in the city of Baltimore.

Ibid. sec. 2. 1860, art 97, see. 2. 1827, ch, 162, sec. 2.

2. The person so appointed shall, before proceeding to act,
enter into bond to the State of Maryland with two securities to
be approved by the governor in the penalty of five thousand
dollars, conditioned for the faithful and impartial discharge of
the duties of State wharfinger in the city of Baltimore, accord-
ing to law.


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2098   View pdf image (33K)
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