1888, art. 97, sec. 8. 1860, art. 94, sec. 8. 1825, ch. 206, sec 6
8. Each keeper of standards shall keep a book in which he
shall register the names of the persons whose beams and
scales, weights and measures he has adjusted, together with the
day of the month and year and the number and description of
the same so adjusted, which book he shall submit to the inspec-
tion of the county commissioners once in each year or oftener
if required. '
Ibid. sec. 9. 1860, art. 94, sec. 9. 1825, ch 206, sec. 7.
9. If any person shall neglect or refuse to have his beams
and scales, weights and measures inspected and adjusted as
herein directed when required to do so by the proper officer, he
shall forfeit and pay five dollars for every day during such
Ibid sec 10. 1860, art 94, sec. 10. 1825, ch. 206, secs. 7, 8.
10. If any standard keeper shall be informed or have reason
to suspect that any person is using or has in his possession
with a fraudulent intention any false beam, scales or measures
he shall examine the same and if he find them or any of them
to be false, he shall seize the same as a forfeiture and adjust
and sell them at public auction and shall annually return a
statement of the money received therefor under oath to the
county commissioners.
Ibid sec. 11. 1860, art 94, sec. 11 1825, ch. 206, sec 4
11. If any weight or measure which shall have been branded
or stamped as herein required shall be broken, injured, altered
or changed, or condemned by the standard keeper, and shall
be found thereafter in the use of any person within this State,
such person shall fofeit and pay twenty dollars for each
Ibid sec. 12. 1860, art. 94, sec. 12. 1825, ch 206, sec. 9
12. Each standard keeper shall receive such compensation
for the discharge of his duties as the county commissioners
shall think proper to allow, which shall be levied on the
assessable property of the county and collected as other
county charges.
Ibid sec. 13. 1860, art. 94, sec. 13. 1825, ch. 206, sec. 10.
13. Whenever any standard keeper shall be applied to to
adjust scales, weights and measures by adding to or diminish-