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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2092   View pdf image (33K)
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1888, art. 97, sec. 4. 1860, art. 94. sec. 4. 1825, ch. 206, sec. 3.

4. All weights and measures used in this State in the vend-
ing of articles shall be inspected by the said standard keeper
for the county once in every year, under a penalty, not exceed-
ing twenty 'dollars, to be paid by the person owning or using
the same and, when adjusted, shall be by the standard keeper
branded, marked or stamped with the letters M. S., meaning
thereby Maryland Standard, in such manner and on such parts
of such weights and measures as in his judgment-will be most
lasting and effectual in preventing fraudulent practices or
impositions in the use thereof.

Ibid. sec. 5. 1860, art. 94, sec. 5. 1825, ch. 206, sec. 3.

5. The weights and measures so examined, branded or
stamped, and no other, shall be used within this State in the
vending of such articles as are directed by law to be or are
usually sold by weight or measure, under a penalty of twenty
dollars, and all articles sold within this State shall be sold by
weights and measures under the like penalty.

Ibid. sec. 6. 1860, art 94, sec. 6. 1825, ch. 206, sec. 5

6. All scale-beams used in the vending of articles in this
State shall be inspected and stamped by the keeper of the
standards of weights, as weights are directed to be stamped;
and any person using scale-beams in this State not stamped as
herein directed shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty
dollars for each offense.

Ibid. sec. 7. 1860, art 94, sec. 7 1825, ch 206, sec. 6.

7. The keepers of standards of weights and measures shall
attend at the different markets, towns and villages in the county
for which they shall respectively be appointed, at least once in
each year, and at the different public inspecting warehouses
in the said counties at least twice in each year on some certain
days to be appointed by the county commissioners, of which
days public notice shall be given by advertisements inserted in
some one or more newspapers in the counties in which there
may be such paper printed and also by advertisements set up
at some conspicuous place in the said markets, warehouses,
villages and towns, and shall inspect and adjust all beams and
scales, weights and measures used or intended to be used in
the said county.


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2092   View pdf image (33K)
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