the attorney of the applicants a reasonable counsel fee to be
paid by said county.
1904, ch. 225, sec. 14.
46. In any county in which the control of the public roads is
now or may hereafter be vested in any body other than the
board of county commissioners, said body shall have all the
powers and privileges conferred by this sub-title on the board
of county commissioners, and be subject to all the duties and
obligations imposed by the terms of this sub-title upon the
board of county commissioners of the respective counties of
the State.
Ibid. sec. 15.
47. Nothing in this sub-title shall be taken to alter, abridge
or in any way affect the present method of road construction or
repair by the respective counties, at their own expense or other-
wise, as now authorized by law.
Ibid. sec. 16.
48. The sum of two hundred thousand dollars annually, or
so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated
out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated
for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this sub-
Ibid. sec. 17.
49. The provisions of this sub-title shall be regarded as
adding to such an extent as may be necessary to enable it to
perform the additional duties hereinbefore imposed upon it, to
the powers and duties conferred upon said commission by the
act of the general assembly of 1898, chapter 454.
Ibid. sec. 18,
50. The provisions of sections 33 to 49 shall take effect
from and after January 1, 1905.
State Sidepath Commissioners.
1900, ch. 658, sec. 1.
51. The governor is authorized to appoint five active, wheel-
men, two of whom shall be residents of Baltimore city, to
constitute a board of State sidepath commissioners, who shall
serve without compensation except their actual and necessary
disbursements in the performance of their duties and whose
term of office shall be designated at one, two, three, four and
five years and until their respective successors shall be appointed.