Baltimore shall be legibly marked or stenciled thereon; and
it shall be the duty of the inspector to retain for inspection
every hogshead of tobacco not so marked or stenciled until
the name of the owner thereof shall have been ascertained
and placed thereon.
1888, art. 48, sec. 46. 1886, ch. 101, sec. 30s.
45. It shall be the duty of the several inspectors of tobacco
to carefully return all bundles of tobacco, other than samples
which may be drawn in sampling, and all bundles which may
be displaced in uncasing tobacco to the hogshead from which
the same were drawn or displaced; and any inspector of
tobacco who shall knowingly violate the provisions of this
section shall be deemed guilty of misconduct in office, and
shall be liable to removal therefrom.
Ibid. sec. 47 1872, ch. 36, sec. 31
46. When any inspector shall bring his own tobacco to the
warehouse whereof he is inspector, the same shall not be
inspected unless done by the inspector of some other ware-
Ibid. sec. 48. 1864, ch 346, sec. 41. 1870, ch. 291. 1888, ch. 156.
47. It shall and may be lawful for any grower or owner of
tobacco grown in this State to sell the same either in the State
or out of it, in hogsheads of any size or weight, or in boxes,
or in any other kind or style of package, without being com-
pelled to have the same inspected by the State inspectors, and
without being compelled to place the same in the State ware-
houses for any purpose whatsoever, or to pay any charge for
outage, storage, or any other charge thereon, to the State or,
any of its constituted officers.
Ibid. sec. 49. 1888, ch. 156, sec. 3.
48- If any grower or owner of tobacco grown in this State
shall desire to store such tobacco in any of the State tobacco
warehouses, without having the same inspected by the State
inspectors, and without the same being subject to the laws
relating to inspections of tobacco, he may do so upon paying
storage therefor at the rate of twenty-five cents per hogshead
per month, or fractional part of a month, for the first two
months that said tobacco shall remain in said warehouses, and
fifteen cents per month or fractional part of a month for every