1896, ch. 295, sec. 4.
3. The State superintendent of immigration shall be a man
of good character and capacity, a citizen of the State of Mary-
land, and shall give bond to the State of Maryland in the sum
of ten thousand dollars, with sufficient sureties, to be approved
by the governor, conditioned for the faithful and efficient dis-
charge of the duties of his office.
Ibid. sec. 5.
4. The board of immigration commissioners shall procure a
good and sufficient office in the city of Baltimore, well located
for the purpose for which the bureau of immigration is estab-
lished, which shall be kept open daily during the year from
nine o'clock AM. to five o'clock P.M., in which said office shall
be kept conveniently for ready reference maps pamphlets and
other statistics, fully and clearly descriptive of the geographical
position of each county of the State, its agricultural and other
resources and capabilities, shipping, marketing and other facili-
ties, the quantities and character of lands for sale and the price
for which the same may be obtained; the social, educational
and other conditions of the several counties, and the advant-
ages and inducements of every character offered to immigrants
by each; and full and explicit information in these several
particulars, and any qthers that may be deemed necessary,
shall be at all times gratuitously furnished to all who may
apply, in person or by letter, for the same.
Ibid. sec. 6. 1898, ch. 282.
5. The said board of immigration commissioners shall
appoint a secretary, who shall be a person of good address and
conversant with English, the German, Dutch and French lan-
guages, if practicable, who shall hold his office during the time
of said board, unless his appointment shall be sooner revoked
for cause; he shall receive a salary of twelve hundred dollars
per annum upon the warrant of the comptroller, and he shall
give bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, to be approved
by the board of immigration commissioners, for the faithful
discharge of the duties of his office; it shall be the duty of the
secretary to attend daily at the office of the bureau of immigra-
tion during the office hours as hereinbefore prescribed; to
arrange and carefully file away and preserve all the records,
statistics, pamphlets and other data and documents of the
office; keep the books of the bureau, conduct its correspon-
dence, and perform such other duties pertaining to the functions