"Board of Barber Examiners of the State of Maryland," and
shall serve during the pleasure of said State board. The sub-
boards shall report the result of their examinations without
delay to the State board of examiners, and the latter shall issue
certificates of qualification to the persons who have qualified in
said examinations.
1904, ch. 226, sec. 6.
176. No person shall hereafter practice the occupation of a
barber in this State unless such person shall have first received
a certificate of qualification from the board of examiners pro-
vided for in section 170 for the purpose of examining appli-
cants for certificates of qualification as barbers. The said
board of examiners shall appoint the time and places for hold-
ing examinations. Such appointment shall be made with due
regard to the convenience of the applicants and the public
service. Said board of examiners shall prescribe the mode
and manner of conducting such examinations, said State board
to conduct examinations, or said board may designate a sub-
board to conduct such examinations. Said board of examiners
is authorized to incur all expense necessary to carry out, in a
prompt and efficient manner, the provisions of this sub-title,
and to pay the same out of any money in the hands of the
treasurer of said board; except, however, said board of
examiners shall not incur any expense or obligation for which
the State of Maryland shall be liable.
Ibid. sec. 7.
176. Each person filing his application for examination shall
pay to the treasurer of the said board of examiners the sum
of five dollars, which sum shall be returned in case said appli-
cant shall fail to pass said examination. Such payment shall
constitute a part of the fund to pay the compensation and
expenses of said board. The board shall keep a list of the
names and places of business of all persons to whom certifi-
cates of qualifications are granted under the provisions of this
sub-title in a book provided for that purpose, with the names
arranged in alphabetical order, and said book shall at all times
be open to public inspection.
Ibid. sec. 8.
177. Every person now engaged in the business of a barber
in this State shall, within three months after April 1,1904, file
an affidavit with the secretary of said board setting forth his