1260 HEALTH. [ART. 43
of the State of Maryland, and within ten days after receiving
such certificate shall take, subscribe and file in the office of the
secretary of State the constitutional oath of office.
1904, ch. 226, sec. 3.
172. Each member of such board shall receive as compen-
sation the sum of five dollars for each day necessarily and
actually engaged in the performance of his duty as a member
of said board, and three cents for each mile necessary and
actually traveled by him in attending the meetings of said
board, which sum or sums shall be paid out of any moneys in
the hands of the treasurer of said board.
Ibid. sep. 4
173. The first meeting of said board shall be held within
thirty days after their appointment as aforesaid at a time and
place to be fixed by a majority thereof, who shall give suitable
notice thereof to all the members of said board. At such
meeting the board may adopt a common seal, and shall elect
from its members a president, a secretary and treasurer. The
treasurer shall receive all fees paid for licenses or certificates,
and shall keep a record thereof and of all disbursements of
said board in a book to be kept for that purpose. The
treasurer shall not pay out or disburse any of the moneys
received by him except upon the order of the board. Before
entering upon the performance of his duties, the treasurer shall
file with the. State comptroller a bond, with sufficient sureties,
to the people of the State of Maryland, in the penal sum of five
thousand dollars, to be approved by the State comptroller,
conditioned that he will well and truly pay over all moneys
received by him, according to law and in compliance with the
provisions of this sub-title, and that he will otherwise faith-
fully discharge the duties of his office.
Ibid. sec. 5.
174. The board of examiners shall have power to appoint
sub-boards of examiners in such cities and villages of this State
as they in their judgment shall deem necessary. Said sub-boards
shall each consist of one master barber and one journeyman
barber, and shall possess the same qualifications, receive the
same compensation, and have the same power as the said board
of examiners of the State of Maryland, while conducting the
examinations hereinafter provided for; said sub-boards shall
be subject at all times to the jurisdiction and control of the.