1258 HEALTH. [ART. 43
in one nursing journal one month previous to the meeting. At
this meeting it shall be their duty to examine all applicants for
registration under this sub-title to determine their fitness and
ability to give efficient care of the sick. Upon filing applica-
tion for examination and registration, each applicant shall
deposit a fee of five dollars.
1904, chs 172, 241, sec. 4.
165. The applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence that
he or she is twenty-three years of age, is of good moral char-
acter, has received the equivalent of a high-school education
and has graduated from a training school connected with a
general hospital where three years of training with a systematic
course of instruction is given in the hospital, or has graduated
from a training school in connection with a hospital of good
standing supplying a systematic three-years' training corre-
sponding to the above standards, which training may be
obtained in two or more hospitals.
Ibid. sec. 5.
166. All nurses graduating before June 1, 1906, possessing
the above qualifications shall be permitted to register without
examination upon payment of registration fee. Nurses who
shall show to the satisfaction of the board of examiners that
they are graduates of training schools connected with a general
hospital or sanatorium giving two years' training, or prior to
the year 1897 having given one year's training, and who main-
tain in other respects proper standards and are engaged in
professional nursing March 25, 1904, or have been engaged in
nursing five years after graduation prior to said'date, also those
who are then in training-and shall graduate hereafter and possess
the above qualifications shall be entitled to registration without
examination; provided, such application be made before June 1,
1906. Graduates of training schools in connection with special
hospitals giving a two years' course who shall obtain one year's
additional training in an approved general hospital shall be
eligible for registration without examination before June 1,1906 ;
or said graduates shall be eligible for registration prior to said
date upon passing special examination before the board of
examiners in subjects not adequately taught in the training
schools from which they have been graduated. And it shall
be unlawful after the expiration of that time for any person
to practice professional nursing as a registered nurse without
a certificate in this State. A nurse who has received his or her