Sale of Attached Property.
1892, ch. 642.
26. Any of the courts of this State in which any attachment
suit is pending either on original or appellate jurisdiction, or any
judge thereof in vacation, may order a sale of any property
which may be levied on by virtue of such attachment whenever
the court or judge may deem such sale expedient and for the
better promotion of the ends of justice, on such terms and notice
as the order may prescribe, and such sale may be ordered before
or after the return of the attachment, and the proceeds of such
sale after the payment of the expenses incident thereto, shall be
paid into court and deposited with the clerk, subject to the
order of the court on the final decision of the case.
1898, ch, 44.
27. The affidavit, short note, declaration, voucher, pleadings,
interrogatories, claim of property and all other papers in attach-
ment proceedings may be amended in the same manner and to
the same extent as the proceedings in any other suits or actions
at law, so that all attachment cases may be tried on their real
merits and the purposes of justice subserved; nor shall any
attachment proceedings be quashed or set aside for any defect in
mere matter of form.
Blair v. Winston, 84 Md. 361
Attachments on Original Process for Fraud.
1892, ch. 510.
35. Every person and body corporate that has the right to
become a plaintiff in any action or proceeding, before any judi-
eial tribunal in this State, shall have the right to proceed by
attachment in the following cases, upon the conditions and in the
manner herein provided. Before any such writ of attachment
shall be issued, the plaintiff or some person in his behalf, shall
make an affidavit before the clerk of the court from which said
attachment shall issue, or before some officer authorized by the
laws of the State of Maryland to take affidavits, as enumerated
in section five of this article, stating that the defendant or
defendants, named in the writ of attachment, is or are bona fide
indebted to the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the sum of————dollars,