24. Enticing apprentice; penalty and damages for. Bona fide sheltering
of minor from ill-treatment.
1890, ch. 8.
24. Any person who shall entice any apprentice or other
minor from the care, direction, service or employment of the
parent, guardian or master of such apprentice or other minor, or
•who shall knowingly harbor any apprentice or other minor so en-
ticed, shall forfeit the sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered
before a justice of the peace by action of debt, in the name of
the State, in the same manner as small debts; and the parent,
guardian or other master of such apprentice or other minor shall
also be entitled to recover damages in an action on the case
against the person so offending; but no person who in good faith
receives, harbors, persuades away, or otherwise removes from a
parent, guardian or master, any minor for the purpose of shelter-
ing such minor from ill-treatment or suffering, shall be held to
incur any liability therefor.
Sale of Attached Property.
26. Sale pendente lite of property
attached, how and when
ordered by the court.
27. All papers in attachment pro-
ceedings may be amended.
Attachments on Original Process
for Fraud.
35. Attachments on original pro-
cess; in what cases to be
issued. Affidavit of attaching
38. Plaintiff to give bond. Condi-
tion and penalty of bond.
Several Attachments.
44 A. Service of writ. Setting up
of short note.
Claimants of Property
45. Claimant of property under at-
tachment or execution. Peti-
tion and proceedings.
Attachment Before Maturity of
Plaintiff's Claim.
48. Attachment proceedings before
maturity of the plaintiff's