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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 981   View pdf image (33K)
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1870, ch. 71.

34. Any person violating the preceding section shall be guilty

of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not
less than ten dollars or more than twenty dollars, or be impris-
oned in the county jail not exceeding twenty days, or until the
payment of said fine and costs; one-half of said fine to be paid to
the county commissioners for the use of the public schools of said

county, and the other half to the informer.

1888, ch. 89.

35. No person shall shoot, or in any manner catch, kill, or
have in possession, any partridge between the first day of Feb-
ruary, said day included, and the twentieth day of October next
ensuing, in each and every year; nor any woodcock, between the
first day of February and the fifteenth day of June; nor any
rabbit, between the fifteenth day of January and the twentieth
day of October; nor shall any person trap, destroy or molest the

eggs or nests of any of the said birds at any time.


36. Any person who shall be convicted before a justice of the

peace for said county of violating the preceding section, shall pay
a fine of ten dollars for each and every partridge, woodcock or
rabbit, shot or in any manner caught, killed or found in their
possession; or for any partridge trapped; or for any partridge eggs

or nests wilfully or maliciously molested or destroyed contrary to
the preceding section; and in default of payment of the fine im-
posed hereunder, together with the costs, the offender shall be com-
mitted to jail for not less than five nor more than thirty days for

each and every offence; and the non-payment of each and every
fine shall be considered a separate offence within the meaning of
the preceding section.


37. It shall not be lawful for any person not a bona fide resi-
dent of said county to shoot or trap any partridge, woodcock or
rabbit within the limits of Dorchester county, without first having
obtained from the clerk of the circuit court for said county, a
license permitting the person named in such license to shoot wild
.game in said county, for one year from the day on which said


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 981   View pdf image (33K)
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