in May in each year, a statement of their accounts and expendi-
tures, with the necessary vouchers therefor; which accounts shall
be examined, settled and passed by the commissioners at their
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 10, sec. 27.
25. Each trustee shall be entitled to one dollar and twenty-five
cents for each day he shall serve in the discharge of his duties,
and six cents a mile for each mile his residence shall be distant
from the almshouse.
Ibid. sec. 28.
26. All sheriffs, constables and other officers shall aid said
trustees and all officers and servants appointed by them, in the
discharge of their respective duties.
Ibid. sec. 29.
27. If any person shall be sued or prosecuted for any thing
done in the execution and performance of any duty imposed by
this sub-title of this article, or any matter or thing herein con-
tained, he may plead the general issue, and give the special mat-
ter in evidence in his defence; and if upon trial, verdict shall
be given for the defendant, or if the plaintiff be nonsuited or
discontinue, the defendant shall recover treble costs; and if the
plaintiff is unable to pay the same, they shall be paid by the at
torney who brought or prosecuted the suit, unless the plaintiff
shall give security for the costs, to be approved by the court.
1884, ch. 496.
28. The judges of the first judicial circuit, in which is em-
braced Dorchester county, and in the event of any change in said
circuit, the judge or judges presiding over the circuit court for said
county are authorized and directed to appoint a special auditor for
the circuit court for said county, who shall be an expert book-keeper,
whose duties shall be as specified in the two succeeding sections;
such appointment shall be made biennially at the April term of
said court, accounting from the year eighteen hundred and eighty-
six, and the auditor so appointed shall hold over until his suc-
cessor be duly appointed and qualified; and in event of the