ART. 10.] ALMSHOUSE. 977
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 10, sec. 21.
19. If any person shall sell or dispose of any liquor, or any
other thing, to any inmate of said almshouse, he shall for every
such offence forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars.
Ibid. sec. 22.
20. If any person shall purchase any matter or thing whatso-
ever which shall belong to said almshouse from any of the poor
contained therein, he shall, upon conviction thereof in the circuit
court, forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of twenty-
dollars, to be applied to the use of the said trustees.
Ibid. sec. 23.
21. The county commissioners, at the time of making their
annual levy, shall levy such sum of money as the trustees of the
poor, or a majority of them, deem necessary for the support of the
almshouse and out-pensioners, to be paid to the trustees of the
poor or their order, or the order of a majority of them, under their
common seal.
Ibid. sec. 24.
22. The said trustees shall apply the money so levied, to and
for the use, benefit and charge of maintaining the poor, in pur-
chasing provisions and'other necessaries for their use and labor,
for providing men and women servants, and purchasing materials
for the use and employment of all poor who shall be able to labor.
1883, ch. 324.
23. They may, ont of the money so levied, keep any number
of out-pensioners they may think proper; provided, that no out
pension shall be allowed to any person who is not a fit subject to
be received into the almshouse; and provided further, that a full
and accurate list of the number of all out-pensioners shall be kept
by districts, and the amount paid to each one shall be made out
and included in the annual statement of their accounts to the
county commissioners, as required in the succeeding section.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 10, sec. 26.
24. They shall, under the penalty of fifty dollars each, make
out and render to the county commissioners at their first meeting