210. Permitting liquor obtained upon
prescription to be drunk on
premises, penalty.
211. Druggist liable for acts of his
212 Jurisdiction; proceedings; appeal,
appeal bond; death or disability
of justice before whom case is
pending; appearance fee; right
to jury trial.
213. Sale or disposal by companies,
firms, clubs or bodies corporate,
where unlawful, penalty; per-
son in possession of premises
prima facie guilty.
214 Charge to grand jury.
215 Part of fine to go to informer.
216 Sale of liquor in fifth and sixth
election districts; licenses,
money accruing from licenses,
how applied, violations of this
section; penalty.
217. Change of law, petition for new
election, counter-petition, pro-
clamation by sheriff.
218. The result of the election, what
sections shall be applicable,
219. Expenses of elections; neglect or
refusal of judges of election or
clerk to perform duty, penalty
Live Stock Running at Large.
220 Taking away impounded cattle,
proceedings for their return to
person who impounded them,
221. Judgment for plaintiff, appeal;
appeal bond.
222. Constables fees, to he reimbursed
for his expenses.
223 Taking away stock impounded by
law a felony; penalty.
224. Extending fence upon the land
of another; penalty, notice not
to extend.
325. Cattle going at large without at-
tendant, where unlawful.
226. Stock at large; duty of constable;
right of others to impound; if
taken by constable; advertise-
ment; sale; return to owner.
227. If impounded by person other
than constable, constable to ad-
vertise and sell, return to owner;
constable's fee; constable not
entitled to fee for selling stock
impounded by himself.
228. Monies arising ont of sale, dis-
position to be made of.
229. Horse or wind mill, toll for grind-
230. Exacting more than legal toll;
231. Weirs and hedges in channel of
northwest branch of Nanticoke-
nver, from channel of main
river to Walnut landing, are
232. Weirs and hedges in channel or
northwest fork branch of Nan-
ticoke river, from Chimney
landing to northwestfork bridge,
are nuisances.
233. Putting weir or hedge in channel
or mouth of northwest branch,
or in or across northwest fork
branch; penalty; how recovered,
to whom to go.
234. Weirs or hedges in channel of
Transquakin or Chicknama-
comico river.
235. Violation of section 234; penalty.
Officers Fees.
236. Accounts for fees, how to be
made out, copies to persons in-
terested, fees for services to any
county in the State to be passed
by judges of the court of that
237. To what counties section 236 ap.