182. License to fish in Nanticoke nver,
penalty for fishing without li-
cense; to what proceeds to be
183. Warrant for arrest issued upon
information to justice of the
184. Appeal, appeal bond
185. Twine weirs; pound nets; haul-
ing seines of more than three
hundred and fifty feet in length,
where unlawful; sticking stakes
in Blackwater river, where un-
186 Penalty for violation of section
185; fines, how to be applied.
187. Appeal; appeal bond.
188. Muskrat, otter; mink, season
189. Violation of section 188; penalty;
how money arising from fines is
to be applied.
190. Trespassing for purpose of shoot-
ing or trapping muskrats, otters
or minks; penalty.
191. Jail supervisors.
192. Levy to pay expenses incurred by
attendance of jurors.
193. To be collected as other county
194. Clerk's certificate; warrant on
195. Drawing of jurors, summons; if
any be dead, disabled or absent.
Justices of the Peace and Con-
196. Number of justices and consta-
bles in Dorchester county.
197. Writs issued by justices, where re-
turnable; right to trial by jury;
198 Jurisdiction of justices in crimi-
nal cases and assault and bat-
tery cases.
199. Appeals.
200. Money collected for fines; pay-
ment over.
201 General jurisdiction of justices;
acts or omissions punishable
under law of State are criminal
offences; powers of justices;
right to jury trial; defendant
must be informed of this right
before trial.
202. Constables' and justices' fees
203. Fees, by whom paid; fines to be
paid over to commissioners
without deduction
Licenses to Sell Carriages Not
Made in this State.
204. License must be obtained before
the goods are brought in.
205. By whom issued, cost: to be
renewed annually.
206. Penalty, how money to be ap-
Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks.
207. Unlawful to sell or otherwise dis-
pose of, no license to be issued;
sale by druggist on physician's
prescription, or in cases of ex-
treme illness; liquors to which
this section does not apply.
208. Sale upon prescription; the pre-
scription, its contents and form,
record of the prescription; pre-
scription evidence of good faith
on part of druggist, violations
of this section; penalty; selling
upon other than lawful pre-
209 Fraudulently obtaining liquor
upon prescription, penalty.