F. L. L., (1860,) art. 9, sec. 21.
21. If any person shall at any time be sued or prosecuted for
anything done in pursuance and execution of this sub-title of this
article, he may plead the general issue and give the special mat-
ter in evidence; and if verdict shall be found for the defendant,
or if the plaintiff be nonsuited or discontinue, the defendant
shall recover treble costs; and if the plaintiff is unable to satisfy
them, the attorney who brought or prosecuted the suit shall pay
them, unless the plaintiff shall give security therefor, to be ap-
proved by the court.
Ibid. sec. 22.
22. Said trustees shall receive and reject or grant, in their dis-
cretion, applications from indigent and distressed persons for oat-
Ibid. sec. 23.
23. The allowance to any one person by said trustees shall in
no case exceed the sum of thirty dollars per annum, and the gross
amount of such allowances, together with the allowance for the
support of the inmates of the almshouse, including all incidental
expenses, shall not in any one year exceed the sum of three
thousand dollars.
Ibid. sec. 24.
24. The trustees shall annually, on or before the third Monday
in June, report to the county commissioners the probable amount
in their judgment necessary for the relief and support of the poor,
both in and out of the almshouse, together with a statement in
writing, exhibiting each general item of expenditure and the
amount thereof; a list of the names of the several out-pensioners,
with the allowance to each; the number and names of the inmates
of the almshouse at the date of their report; as also such as may
have been in and left subsequent to their previous report, and
also an account showing the gross amount received and expended
within the same period.
Ibid. sec. 25
25. The county commissioners, at their annual session for
making the county levy, shall, upon the receipt of the report of
the trustees of the poor, levy the amount estimated by the trustees