them, shall nominate and choose one of the principal and better
sort of inhabitants of the county, not related in blood to any of
them, trustee in his place.
P. L. L., (I860,) art. 9, sec. 4.
4. The person so elected, before acting as such trustee, shall
take before some other of the trustees the following oath: " I, A.
S., do swear that I will duly and faithfully discharge the duties
and trusts committed to me as trustee of the poor for Charles
county, to the best of my skill and knowledge, so help me God."
Ibid. sec. 5.
5. Any person who shall be elected a trustee, and shall wilfully
refuse or delay to qualify as such, shall forfeit and pay for any
such refusal the sum of twenty-five dollars; but no member of
the general assembly, clergyman, attorney or practising physician
shall be obliged to accept said office, or forfeit as aforesaid for
refusing to accept; and no justice of the peace, or sheriff, nor
any one who has not the qualification to be a member of the
house of delegates, shall be eligible to said office; and no person
shall be compellable to serve in less than three years after he has
served, or paid the forfeiture for refusing to serve.
Ibid. sec. 6.
6. The said trustees shall meet on the first Monday of May,
yearly, and at such other times as they shall judge necessary, at
the almshouse in the county, and appoint a fit person to be over-
seer of the almshouse, and such other proper officers and servants
as they may deem necessary, and they shall pay such overseer a
sum not exceeding two hundred and twenty dollars per annum,
and so pro rata during his continuance in office.
Ibid. sec. 7.
7. Every overseer shall enter into bond, with sufficient securi-
ties, in the penalty of five hundred dollars, payable to the
trustees of the poor, conditioned for the faithful performance of
the duties of his office.
Ibid. sec. 8.
8. The trustees at their pleasure may remove such overseer
and all other officers appointed by them.