ART. 8.] WILD FOWL. 905
1873, ch. 54.
401 Justices of the peace for Cecil, Harford and Kent coun-
ties, and the circuit courts for said counties, shall have concurrent
jurisdiction in all cases that may arise under the provisions of
said sections; and any person arrested on the waters of the Ches-
apeake bay, northward of the line named and described in section
380, for a violation of any of said sections, may be conveyed to
either Cecil, Harford or Kent county, for trial, and there tried
before the proper tribunal.
1876, ch. 169. 1884, ch. 459.
402. No person holding a license to gun for or after wild
water-fowl shall, during the gunning season as fixed by section
381, be allowed to anchor, or otherwise make stationary, any sink
box, sneak boat or any other vessel or craft on the waters lying
northward of the line named in section 380, on any Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday or Sunday prior to the first day of January, of
said gunning season, and on and after the said first day of January,
on any Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday, nor until the hour of five
o'clock, A. M. on the morning of the day next succeeding each of
said days above specified; and no person holding a license as
above described, and engaged in gunning for wild water-fowl,
shall go on or over said waters with sink box, sneak boat or other
vessel or craft before the hour of five o'clock, A. M. on the morn-
ing of the day next succeeding each of said days as above specified;
and any person violating this section shall be fined not less than
twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered
before a justice of the peace as debts of like amount are recover-
able, one-half of said fine to be paid to the officer making the
arrest, and the other half to those assisting in making the arrest.
And in addition to said fine, the person violating this section, as
well as the craft and the entire gunning outfit, shall be deprived
of the rights granted under said ducking license for the next
three successive gunning days; and for the said period of three
gunning days the said person, craft and gunning outfit shall be
considered to be without a license; and in case of any violation
of this section, the penalty shall be the same as is imposed upon
persons and crafts gunning without license; and the said pro-
hibition shall not be relieved or stayed by an appeal.