ART. 8.] WILD FOWL. 899
wild fowl, as aforesaid; and each of said days shall comprehend
the time intervening between one hour before sunrise, and half an
hour after sunset of each day, and no more, and is not to include
any part or period of a night; and any person, on conviction of a
violation of this section, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars,
and not more than one hundred dollars.
1872, ch. 54.
388. No owner, master, hirer, borrower, employee of any
owner, or other person, shall use or employ any sink box, or sneak
boat of any description whatever, for the purpose of shooting at
wild water-fowl therefrom, northward of the line named and
described in section 380, without first obtaining a license to so
use and employ the same as is hereinafter provided.
1884, ch. 506.
389. The clerk of the circuit court for Cecil county and the
clerk of the circuit court for Harford county, upon the application
of any resident of the State of Maryland, being the owner of any
sink box or sneak boat, such as is allowed by this sub-title of this
article to be used and employed in shooting at wild water-fowl there-
from, shall grant a license under the seal of his court, to such
applicant to gun after and shoot at wild water-fowl from such
sink box or sneak boat northward of the line named and described
in section 380, from the first day of November in each and every
year, to the thirty-first day of March next succeeding thereafter,
in each and every year; provided, that such license shall not
authorize any person using such sink box or sneak boat to gun
after or shoot at wild water-fowl therefrom within a less distance
than one-quarter of a mile of any shore in Cecil or Harford county,
or southward of the line particularly described in section 380.
1883, ch. 180.
390. The sneak boat, such as is specified in section 389, shall
be a flat-bottom batteau or other boat, with bush or canvas blinds,
and shall be engaged bona fide in shooting or gunning over de-
coys, and no other boat shall be licensed as a sneak boat; no sail-
ing boat or skiff, or other boat engaged in hunting or shooting
crippled ducks, or in purloining ducks that have been killed and