ART. 8.] WILD FOWL 891
1878, ch. 293.
364. Every applicant for a license shall be required to make
oath before the clerk of the circuit court for Cecil county that he
is a bona fide resident of Cecil county, and that he will obey and
comply with all the provisions of sections 361, 363 and 364; and
every person to whom such license may be granted shall be re-
quired to paint the number or name of his sink box on some
prominent part thereof, to correspond with the number or name
in the said license; and no owner, hirer, borrower or other person,
shall use or employ any sink box of any description whatever,
for the purpose of shooting at wild water-fowl therefrom in the
waters described in section 361, without such license to so use and
employ said box having first been obtained.
1884, ch. 385.
365. Every two years, the governor, with the advice and con-
sent of the senate, shall appoint a special policeman for the said
rivers and their tributaries in Cecil county, who shall hold his-
office until his successor qualifies, or during the pleasure of the
governor; and said special policeman shall, within sixty days
after his appointment, file with the clerk of the circuit court for
Cecil county, a bond with sureties to be approved by the clerk,
in the penalty of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faith-
ful performance of his duties; and it shall be the duty of the
special policeman to enforce the provisions of sections 361 to
370, inclusive; and he shall have power to arrest without warrant,
upon his own view, or upon credible information, all persons,
violating any of said sections, and to carry such persons before
any justice of the peace, to be dealt with according to said pro-
visions; and upon information being given under oath to any
justice of the peace for Cecil county, of any violation of any of
said provisions, the justice shall issue his warrant for the arrest
of the offender, and the seizure of all sink boxes and vessels, de-
coys, tackle or other furniture belonging thereto, which warrant
shall be directed to the special policeman, or to the sheriff or any
constable of Cecil county, or to one or more of those holding
licenses, and constituted as officers to carry out the said provis-
ions ; and any one resisting an officer or other person authorized
to make arrests or seizures, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,