1878, ch. 292.
361. It shall be lawful for the bona fide citizens of Cecil
county, to shoot wild fowl from sink boxes in the waters of the
Elk and Bohemia rivers and their tributaries in said county, from
the first day of November in each year until the thirty-first day
of March next succeeding, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday of each week, upon obtaining a license so to do, as pro-
vided in the succeeding section.
362. The clerk of the circuit court for Cecil county, upon the
application of any bona fide resident of Cecil county, being the
owner of any sink box, and desiring to obtain a license to use the
same for shooting wild fowl in the said waters, shall grant a
license, under the seal of his court, to such applicant, specifying
the name and residence of the applicant, the name or number of
the sink box, the waters embraced in said license, the penalty for
its violation, and the time for which such license is issued, and
shall be entitled to charge and receive fifty cents for issuing the
same; provided, that at the time of issuing the same said appli-
cant shall pay to said clerk the sum of ten dollars for each and
every gunning season, as specified in the preceding section.
363. Such license shall only authorize the shooting of wild
fowl from sink boxes upon the four days of the week specified in
section 361, and it shall not authorize the shooting of wild fowl
from sink boxes in said waters until the consent of the owner or
tenant of the land opposite to whose shore any sink box, licensed
as aforesaid, is to be placed, is first had and obtained; and it is
the sense of this provision that the prohibition or consent of the
shore owner or tenant shall not extend beyond the centre of the
natural channel opposite to said shore owned or controlled by
him; and no license to shoot wild fowl, issued by said clerk, shall
authorize the holder thereof to shoot wild fowl in the waters of
the Elk and Bohemia rivers, and their tributaries in Cecil county,
unless it be issued in accordance with the provisions of sections
362 to 364.