than one of whom shall reside in each of the nine election dis-
tricts of the county.
1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
8. David P. Davis, Henry H. Brady, William Schouler,.
Robert Mackey, Alfred Ford, Thomas "Waring, Thomas O. Bond,
Jno. W. Bell and George W. Gifford are appointed trustees of
the poor and insane of Cecil county, from April 4th, 1888, until
their successors shall have been -chosen and qualified; and in the
event of a vacancy happening by the non-acceptance, death, re-
moval from the county, or disqualification of any of the persons
herein named, the vacancy shall be filled by the remaining per-
sons herein named at their next meeting, after they shall have
qualified as hereinafter provided; and the person selected to fill
said vacancy shall reside in the election district of said county
wherein the person resided whose non-acceptance, death, removal
or disqualification created said vacancy, and shall be a member
of the political party with which the person was identified, whose
non-acceptance, death, removal or disqualification created said
9. The said trustees who shall accept said office shall meet at
the almshouse of the county on the first Monday of January, in
the year eighteen hundred and ninety, and qualify as trustees by
taking the following oath, to wit: "I, A. B., do swear that I
will duly and faithfully discharge the duties and trusts committed
to me as a trustee of the poor of Cecil county, to the best of my
skill and knowledge, so help me God;" which oath may be ad-
ministered by any justice of the peace of said county, or by any
of the nine trustees to the others, any of whom being sworn may
administer the same to him.
10. In all cases of vacancies happening after the said first
Monday in January, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety,
by the death, resignation, removal out of the county, or disquali-
fication of any of said trustees, the trustees for the time being,
or a majority of them, shall nominate and choose one or more
of the principal and better sort of inhabitants of said county to
fill said vacancy; and a majority of the said trustees shall consti-
tute a quorum for the transaction of business.