peace in any manner, interrupting the conduct and progress of
any fair or exhibition of said society, or violating any of the pro-
visions of this sub-title of this article, or the by-laws, rules and
regulations of the said society, and shall take the said violators
before some justice of the peace of said county to be tried and
fined in accordance with section 2; and the said special con-
stables and justices of the peace shall receive for issuing and
serving all processes under this section the same fees that the
said justices of the peace and the constables of said county are
now entitled to receive for like service.
1888, ch. 138.
5. The said president, vice-president or managers, or any of
them, are authorized and empowered to discharge and dismiss at
any time any one or more of the special constables aforesaid, on
account of a refusal or failure, for any cause, to perform any
duty imposed by or in accordance with this sub-title of this
article; and any special constable so discharged and dismissed
shall forfeit and lose part or all of his per diem, or v/ages due to
him from the said society for any service as special constable
aforesaid, at the discretion of the aforesaid managers.
6. No person to whom the said society shall grant the privilege
of bartering or selling any goods, chattels, wares or merchandise
within the grounds of said society during any exhibition or fair,
or to whom the said society shall grant the privilege of exhibit-
ing any lawful games, show or performance within the grounds
aforesaid during any exhibition or fair, shall be required to take
out any license from or pay any fee or reward to the State of
Maryland or said county for or on account of such privilege;
provided, the said society shall annually pay to the board of
school commissioners of said county the sum of twenty-five dol-
lars for the use of the public schools in said county.
1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
7. The trustees of the poor and insane of Cecil county shall
consist of nine persons, inhabitants of the county, and not more