village, without favor, affection, partiality or prejudice, to the
best of their skill and judgment. They shall enter and record in
a book to be provided for the purpose, an accurate and fair
account of all property of every sort within the said village, and
the valuation thereof, together with an alphabetical list of the
owners thereof, which shall be returned by them to the commis-
sioners on or before the thirtieth day of June in each and every
year, and which any person interested may inspect without
charge. And if any one shall feel aggrieved at the valuation and
assessment of his property by said assessors, he may appeal
from such valuation to the commissioners at any time within two
weeks from the return of said assessment; and upon good cause
being shown, the said commissioners may make any alteration in
said assessment which they may deem proper and right; and for
the purpose of hearing and determining the appeals provided for
by this section, the said commissioners, in addition to the
meetings hereinbefore required to be held, shall meet daily,
Sundays excepted, during the two weeks next succeeding the
thirtieth day of June in each and every year, at such time and
place as they shall designate, and shall give five days' previous
notice thereof by advertisement, to be posted at the hotel and the
academy in said village, and such other public places as they may
deem necessary.
1870, ch. 144.
163. The said commissioners shall have full power to open,
extend, widen, close or straighten any street, lane or alley in said
village which in their judgment the public welfare and con-
venience may require to be opened, extended, widened, closed or
164. They may levy upon the assessable property within
said village, by direct tax, not exceeding fifty cents in the hun-
dred dollars, such sum as they may deem necessary for the
purpose of defraying the expenses of said corporation, and of
opening, closing, extending and improving the streets, lanes or
alleys in said village, and building, repairing or improving the
public wells and pumps and fire engines belonging to said corpo-
ration, in such manner as they may deem expedient, with full
power to collect the same, as provided in section 166.