ART. 6.] FISH. 667
owners of lands bordering on said waters of said counties,
to take or catch fish in the waters of said counties with
seines with meshes of less size than five inches square.
1874, ch. 466.
140. It shall not be lawful for any person to empty his seines
in water less than twelve inches deep; and all persons violating
the preceding section in either of the aforesaid counties, upon
conviction thereof before a justice of the peace in the county
where the offence shall be committed, shall be fined not less than
five nor more than fifty dollars, or shall be subject to a forfeit of
the seine, the boat and appurtenances thereto belonging, in the
discretion of the said justice; provided, that an appeal to the
circuit court may be taken at any time within ten days from the
rendering of such judgment, under bond and approved security.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 6, sec. 93.
141. After the payment of the costs of prosecuting the offend-
ing party, the proceeds of the fine or sale of the boat and other
articles condemned shall be apportioned in the following manner:
one-fourth to the sheriff or constable making the arrest and
seizure, and the residue amongst those whom he may have sum-
moned, and who have aided in the same, to be determined and
awarded by the justice of the peace.
Ibid. sec. 95.
142. If any person shall whip or beat the water in Great
Choptank river with poles or sticks, or other things, for the pur-
pose of driving the fish in that part of the river between the
Stock landing and Blade's Overgoing, during the months of
March, April and May in any year, he sliall forfeit and pay for
each offence the sum of sixty dollars, to be recovered by action
of debt of indictment, either in the county where the offence was
committed or where the person offending shall reside, one-half to
the informer or person suing for the same, the other half to the
use of the county in which he shall be convicted.
Ibid. sec. 97.
143. Every justice of the peace shall annually account to the
county commissioners of said county for all sums of money re-