171. Commissioners qualifications for.
172 President of, election of.
173. Clerk to, appointment, duties and
compensation of.
174. President to cause clerk to give
notice of elections; president to
be judge of such; polls, when
to he opened and closed; certifi-
cate of president.
175. Oath of to be recorded among
proceedings of.
176. Vacancy in, how filled.
177. Metes and bounds of town of,
limits as to rate of taxation upon
property within such bounds,
assessor, appointment and oath
178. Appeal of owners aggrieved by
assessment to commissioners.
179. May pass all necessary ordinances
and by-laws, no fine imposed
to exceed ten dollars
180. Persons refusing to pay fines and
taxes, how such collectible.
181. Non-resident constable, appoint-
ment and duties of.
182 Taxes, fines and penalties, how
to be applied
Justices of the Peace and Con-
183. Number of in county.
184. Civil process issued by justices to
be served by constables.
185. Judgments of justices to be liens
upon property of defendants,
186. Assault and battery, jurisdiction
of in cases of.
187. Appeals in such cases allowed;
trial upon appeal
188. Money arising from fines to be
paid to county commissioners
quarterly by justices.
189. Additional jurisdiction conferred
upon justices; jury trial allowed
in such cases if prayed before
190. Fees allowed to.
191 Such fees, by whom to be paid'
accounting by justices for fines
under section 191
192. Docket and papers of justices to
be handed to successors in case
of resignation, death or re-
Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks.
193. Unlawful to sell in county.
194. Violation of preceding section;
Live Stock Running at Large.
195 In what districts unlawful
196. Impounding such, notice and sale
of by constable, redemption by
197. Other persons impounding such,
duty of; notice and sale by
constable; redemption by owner;
commissions to constable.
198. Sale of, money arising from such,
how distributed.
Navigation of Nanticoke River.
199. Weirs and hedges preventing free
navigation in northwest branch
of, deemed nuisances; removal
of such.
200. Placing such in; penalty.
Officers' Fees.
201. Accounts for, how to be made
out; when such to be allowed.
202 To what counties preceding sec-
tion applicable.
203. Sum allowed for.
204. County commissioners authorized
to endorse bonds of the Balti-
more and Eastern Shore Kail-
road Company to amount of
$50,000, security for such en-
205 County commissioners to control
and regulate.