furnishing all things necessary for the support and government
of said almshouse.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 5, sec. 9.
9. The said trustees shall meet between the first and tenth
days of November, yearly, and at such other times as they shall
judge necessary; and at such yearly meeting they shall appoint
a fit person to be overseer of the almshouse, and such other
proper officers and servants as they may deem necessary.
Ibid. sec. 10.
10. They shall pay the said overseer a sum not exceeding one
hundred and fifty dollars per annum as a salary, and so pro rata
during his continuance in office, and shall take bond from said
overseer, with good and sufficient securities, in the penalty of
five hundred dollars, current money, payable to the said trustees
of the poor, conditioned for the faithful performance of the
duties of his office.
Ibid. sec. 11.
11. They may remove said overseer, and all other officers ap-
pointed by them, and appoint others in their stead.
Ibid. sec. 12.
12. They shall meet at some convenient place in the county
three times in the year, in March, June and November, to make
and ordain all such rules and by-laws (the same not being con-
trary to law,) as they may think convenient and necessary for
the direction, government and support of the almshouse and for
the maintenance and employment of all such poor persons as
shall be taken under their care, and of all vagrants, beggars,
vagabonds and other persons that may be committed thereto.
Ibid sec. 13
13. The overseer of the almshouse shall keep a regular list of
all persons committed to the almshouse, and regular accounts of
all materials and other things coming to his hands as overseer,
and of all monies received and expended by him, and shall lay
the same before the trustees at their regular meetings, or when-
ever required by them.