P. L. L, (I860.) art. 5, sec. 4.
4t Each trustee of the poor, before entering upon the duties-
of his office, shall take and subscribe the following oath: "I, A. B.,
do swear that I will truly and faithfully discharge the duties and
trust committed to me as trustee of the poor of Calvert county,
according to the best of my skill and knowledge, so help me God."
Ibid. sec. 5.
5. The said trustees so appointed and qualified are hereby
invested with power and authority, as a body politic, to sue and
be sued, by the name of "the trustees of the poor of Calvert
county," and by that name may take and hold any gift, donation
or present which may be given, devised or bequeathed by any
person to them for the support and maintenance of the poor in
said county; and they may purchase and hold any lands,
tenements and hereditaments not exceeding the yearly value of
fifteen hundred dollars.
Ibid. sec. 6.
6. They may use a common seal, and the same, if necessary
change and alter.
Ibid, sec 7.
7. They shall purchase from time to time the necessary bed-
ding and furniture of every description for the almshouse, and
horses, cows and other stock, and the necessary fanning imple-
ments for the use, occupation and cultivation of the land thereto^
attached; and they shall keep an account of all money received
and expended by them for such purposes, and return a true copy
thereof, with the vouchers therefor, to the county commissioners,
at their annual meeting for making the county levy.
Ibid. sec. 8.
8. The county commissioners shall assess and levy on the
assessable property of the county, at the time of laying their
county levy, such sum as they shall deem necessary, to be paid by
the collectors to the order of said trustees, or the majority of
them, under their common seal, to be applied by them to the
maintenance of the poor in the almshouse of said county, and