ART. 4.] WATER. 579
entitle the mayor and city council of Baltimore to the use, estate
and interest in the same thus valued, as fully as if it had been
conveyed by the owner of the same; and the valuation, if not
received when tendered, may at any time thereafter be received
from the mayor and city council of Baltimore, without interest,
by the said owner, or his legal representative.
P. L. L , (1860) art. 4, sec. 937.
925. If the twenty jurors summoned as aforesaid shall not
appear at the time and place appointed as aforesaid, the sheriff
or his deputy, as the case may be, shall forthwith summon other
freeholders of the county, from the bystanders or others qualified
as aforesaid, to make up the said jury to the number of twelve.
Ibid sec 638
926. The jurors so summoned and attending shall be allowed
the same compensation as is allowed to the jurors in the circuit
court for the county, and the sheriff shall be allowed similar fees
as are allowed by law for the summoning jurors to attend the
circuit court for the county, and also a per diem of two dollars
for every day he or his deputy shall be in attendance upon an
inquisition; and such expenses shall be paid by the said mayor
and city council of Baltimore, except in cases of objections to the
confirmation of inquisitions before the circuit court, when the
costs in said court may be awarded in the discretion of the court.
1870, ch. 24.
927. For the purpose of defraying all the expenses and costs
of said lands, waters and water-rights, as shall have been taken
for the purposes aforesaid, and of constructing all works neces-
sary to the accomplishment of said purposes, and all expenses
incident thereto, the said mayor and city council of Baltimore
shall have authority in the name of the city to issue certificates
of debt, to be denominated on the face, Baltimore water stock, to
an amount not exceeding five million dollars, bearing interest not
exceeding six per cent, per anuum, and to provide by ordinance
for the redemption of the same at a certain time, and under such
provisions as the mayor and city council may deem expedient
and proper; the said mayor and city council are authorized and