P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 932.
920. The jurors so remaining, shall inquire into, assess, and
ascertain the sum of money to be paid by the said mayor and
city council of Baltimore, for the land, spring, brook, water-rights
or other property which they may deem necessary to purchase
and hold or use for the purpose aforesaid.
Ibid. sec. 933.
921. Before the said jury act as such, the said sheriff or his
deputy shall administer to each of them an oath, that he will
justly and impartially value the damages which the owners or
parties holding an interest therein will sustain by the use and
occupation of said property by the mayor and city council of
Ibid. sec. 934.
922. The said jury shall reduce their inquisition to writing,
and shall sign and seal the same, and it shall then be returned by
said sheriff to the clerk of the circuit court for said county, and
be filed by such clerk in his office, and shall be confirmed by
said court at its next session, if no sufficient cause to the contrary
be shown; and when confirmed shall be recorded by the said
clerk at the expense of the mayor and city council of Baltimore.
1876, ch 19.
923. If not confirmed, the said court may direct another
inquisition in the manner above described. From any decision
on matter of law made by said court on a hearing for confirma-
tion, an appeal may be taken to the court of appeals; provided,
such appeal be taken within ten days after such decision shall be
made; and the court of appeals may award costs to either party
in its discretion.
Taylor v. Mayor, &c , 45 Md 576
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 936.
924. The inquisition shall describe the property taken or the
bounds of the land condemned, and the quantity or duration of
the interest in the same, valued to the mayor and city council of
Baltimore; and such valuation, when paid or tendered to the
owner of such property, or his legal representative, shall