eighteen years of age, or for any shorter period, and may bind them
out for a time not to exceed the age of eighteen years in the case
of females, and of twenty-one years in the case of males, as ap-
prentices to learn any trade or business, or in the case of females,
Also to learn to be useful in housewifery, or may under terms
proper, in view of the said managers, and to be stipulated by
them, place them for adoption, or as inmates with any families or
persons; and the said corporation in the exercise of any of the
powers vested in them by this section, of binding or placing out
said minors, shall not be limited to places within the State.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 935.
905. All instruments binding or placing out said children
shall be in writing, signed by the president and at least two
managers of said corporation, and by the persons taking the
children as apprentices or otherwise, and shall be acknowledged
by the persons signing the same before a justice of the peace for
Baltimore city, and within six months from the date thereof re-
corded in the office of the register of wills of said city.
1870, ch. 225.
906. If any parent or guardian or any judge of the orphans'
court of Baltimore city, or any justice of the peace for said city
shall place under the care and control of the home of the friend-
less, any child, whether male or female, under the age of eigh-
teen years, of the description of children hereinbefore mentioned,
or as suffering through the extreme indigence or vagrancy or
bad habits or neglect of parents, or from cruelty of intemperate
parents, or as being illegitimate, or children of persons out of the
State without sufficient sustenance, the said corporation and the
managers thereof shall hold and control such children, with
power to bind or place them out as hereinbefore provided.
907. Any constable or police officer of said city, upon appli-
cation of any manager of the home of the friendless, or of his
own-accord, may carry before any judge of the orphans' court
for said city, or any justice of the peace, any child of the descrip-
tion mentioned in the preceding section, to be dealt with as
therein provided.