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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 571   View pdf image (33K)
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ferred by law upon any other children's aid society in the city of


1874, ch. 340.

902. The Hebrew orphan asylum of Baltimore city, and the
officers and board of directors thereof, shall have the exclusive
care, charge, custody and control of all children whom they shall
receive into said asylum, until they shall be, if males, twenty-one
years old; if females, eighteen years old, or any shorter period
for which they may be received by said corporation; and to bind
them out for a time not exceeding said ages of twenty-one and
eighteen years, respectively, or such shorter period as aforesaid,
as apprentices to learn any profession, trade, business, or useful
occupation; or may under terms proper in the view of the said
officers and board of directors, and to be stipulated by them,
place them for adoption, or as inmates with any families or
persons; said corporation, in the exercise of any of these powers
of binding or placing ont, not being limited to places within this
State; and all such acts of binding or placing out being required
to be in writing, signed by the president or vice-president of said
corporation, and by the persons taking the children as apprentices,
as aforesaid, and acknowledged by said signers before a justice of
the peace of Baltimore city, notary public, or a commissioner of
deeds of the State of Maryland, and recorded in the office of the
register of wills of Baltimore city.

1870, ch. 225.

903. The justices of the peace for Baltimore city, the trustees
of the poor for said city, and the ward managers of the poor in
said city, may commit to the care and charge of the home of the
friendless, instead of sending to the almshouse, all children,
whether male or female, who are destitute or suffering for want
of support, or who may be found begging about the streets of the
city, or who are children of beggars.


904. The home of the friendless, and the managers thereof,
may retain the said children under their care until they shall be


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 571   View pdf image (33K)
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