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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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damages mentioned in the judgment, and such as shall be-
further incurred and sustained by reason of said appeal and the
delay thence arising.

Miller v. Duvall, 26 Md. 47. Gelston s. Sigmund, 27 Md. 334. Mears v.
Remare, 33 Md. 246. Same v. Same, 34 Md. 333.

P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 901.

874. Such cases shall not be removable to the Baltimore city
court, at any stage thereof, save by and upon appeal as aforesaid.

Ibid. sec. 903.

875. No proceedings to dispossess a tenant holding over, had
before any justice of the peace and removed by appeal to the
Baltimore city court, shall by such court be reversed or set aside
for matter of form; and any case thus removed by appeal, if the
proceeding thereunder shall be set aside or appear to be sub-
stantially defective, shall be proceeded with in said court in the
same manner and to the same effect, upon the claim and com-
plaint and merits, and upon evidence to be adduced therein as it
was or might have been competent to said justice of the peace to
have proceeded therewith.

Ibid. sec. 903.

876. Every such appeal shall be tried and finally determined
and proceeded with at the first term to which such case shall be
removed to the said court, unless for cause shown upon affidavit
the court shall otherwise order.

Ibid. sec. 904.

877. The provisions of the preceding sections of this sub-title
of this article, relating to tenants holding over, shall extend to
the heirs, executors and assigns of lessors and reversioners, and to
the executors and all persons holding under tenants, and to all
cases where there are two or more tenants, in which case each
tenant shall be entitled to the notices and the benefit of each con-
dition contained in the preceding sections of this sub-title of this,


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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