1874, ch. 483.
848. The register of the city of Baltimore shall, on the first
day of July in each year, set apart and pay over to the treasurer
of the State, out of the funds in his hands for the payment of the
interest becoming annually due and payable on the first day of
July, the State tax imposed by the code of public general laws
on all that part of said stock loan included in the said corrected
list returned to him by the appeal tax court, and shall deduct
from the interest due and payable thereon to each holder of said
stock, his proportion of the amount so retained and paid to the
849. If the said register shall at any time fail to make out and
deliver to the appeal tax court the list of holders of the said stock
loan, as herein required, it shall be the duty of the appeal tax
court to ascertain in such manner as they may deem most accurate
the amount of said stock loans of the city of Baltimore outstand-
ing on the first day of April in the year in which such failure or
refusal shall take place, and on or before the first day of June in
said year make and deliver one copy of a statement certified, by
them, showing the amount of said stock so ascertained by them,
and its assessed value, to the said register, and one copy thereof
to the comptroller of the State; and the register shall thereupon
set apart and pay the tax aforesaid, and deduct the same from the
interest as aforesaid; but the said register shall not be required to
set apart and pay over the said tax on any part of said stock loans
which he may satisfy the comptroller by a certificate to that
effect, signed by the appeal tax court, or by other satisfactory
evidence, was held on the first day of April in the year for which
the tax may become due, by any person entitled under the laws
of this State to hold the same free from taxation.
850. Each member of the appeal tax court shall receive fifty
dollars, annually, for the service required in the three preceding
sections; and the register of the city of Baltimore the sum of three
hundred dollars for the services therein required of him; the said
sums to be paid by the treasurer on the warrant of the comp-