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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 557   View pdf image (33K)
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ART. 4.] TAXES. 557

re-valuation and' re-assessment shall be made by such county
commissioners or appeal tax court without giving such notice;
provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to apply
to the valuation and assessment of new improvements or new
property discovered and assessed and returned to the county com-
missioners or appeal tax court by the proper collector or assessor
whose duty it is to assess and return the same.

1874, ch. 483.

844. The mayor and city council shall fill all vacancies in said
appeal tax court as soon as practicable after any may happen
therein, in the manner provided for in such cases of vacancies of
other city officers; and the members of said board shall receive
such compensation as the mayor and city council shall provide,
to be paid by the city.


845. The persons appointed to compose said appeal tax court,
and the said assessors, shall, before they enter upon the perform-
ance of their duties, take an oath before the mayor of Baltimore
city that they will well and faithfully perform the duties required
by law, without favor, affection or partiality.


846. The register of the city of Baltimore shall, within one
month after the first day of April, annually make out and
deliver to the appeal tax court for the city of Baltimore, a full
and accurate list of the holders of the stock loans of said city oa
the first day of April in the year for which said list is made,
showing the several amounts held by the said stockholders, respec-


847. The said appeal tax court shall in each year carefully
examine the said list and correct the same by striking therefrom
all the holders of said stock who may be exempt from taxation
on said stock, and shall, on or before the first day of June,
annually deliver one copy of the said list, as corrected by them,
to the said register, and' one copy thereof to the comptroller,
setting forth distinctly in said copies the assessed value of the
stock mentioned therein.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 557   View pdf image (33K)
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