circuit court for Baltimore county, shall have power to establish
branches of the said university in the city of Baltimore, to hold,
or to purchase and hold, all property in said city needed for the
successful conducting of the branches of the said university in.
said city, and to keep and maintain a principal office in said city
for the conduct of the business of the said university.
1876, ch. 84.
788. The said The Johns Hopkins university shall have power
to admit students of the said university who shall merit the distinc-
tion to the office and profession of surgeon, or to the degree of
doctor of medicine, or of doctor of laws, or of bachelor or master
of arts; to grant to students in such university such certificates of
proficiency and attainments in any special study as the said univer-
sity may see proper to confer; and to grant the honorary degrees
of doctor of laws, doctor of medicine, and master of arts, or such
other degrees as may be proper, to any person who may merit
such distinction, whether such person be a student of such univer-
sity or not.
1688, ch. 103.
789. The mayor and city council of Baltimore are authorized
and empowered, upon the transfer and surrender to them by the
board of trustees of the McDonogh educational fund and insti-
tute, of the city stock or certificates of indebtedness in which
the said educational fund is now, under the city ordinances, in-
vested, in consideration of such transfer and surrender, to issue
and deliver to the said board of trustees the stock or certificates
of indebtedness of the mayor and city council of Baltimore, to
the amount of one million of dollars, in the form prescribed by
law for such certificates, redeemable in the year of our Lord
nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, and bearing interest, payable
quarterly, at the rate of five per cent, per annum.
790. The mayor and city council of Baltimore are authorized
and empowered to pass an ordinance providing for the said trans-
fer and surrender of the city stock, or certificates of indebted-