moting the great interests and insuring the good government of
the city; but no ordinance heretofore passed, or that shall here-
after be passed by the mayor and city council of Baltimore, shall
hereafter conflict or interfere with the powers or the exercise of,
the powers of the board of police of the city of Baltimore, here-
inafter created; nor shall the said city, or any officer or agent of
the corporation of said city, or of the mayor thereof, in any
manner impede, obstruct, hinder or interfere with the said board
of police, or any officer, agent or servant thereof or thereunder.
1874, ch. 2.
722. There shall be elected by the joint meeting of the
two houses of the general assembly, by ballot, three sober
and discreet persons, who shall have been residents in the
city of Baltimore for three consecutive years next preceding
the day of their election, who shall be known as the board of
police commissioners for the city of Baltimore; said commis-
sioners shall be subject to removal as provided in this sub-title of
this article; one of said commisioners shall be elected and appointed
for two years, one for four years, and one for six years, who shall
hold office until their respective successors are elected, or ap-
pointed and qualified; each of said commissioners shall receive a
salary of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum, payable quar-
terly. As the terms of office shall expire, as designated above,
they shall be filled or appointed for six years each. Before enter-
ing upon the duties of their office of commissioner, each member
thereof shall enter into bond to the State of Maryland, with one
or more sureties, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, con-
ditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as such commis-
sioner ; said bond to be approved by the judge of the superior
court of the city of Baltimore, to be kept and recorded by the
clerk of the said court, in the office thereof, together with the
certificate of appointment as aforesaid; and shall also take and
subscribe before the said judge of the superior court, or the clerk
thereof, the oath or affirmation prescribed by the sixth section of
the first article of the constitution; and the further oath or affir-
mation, that in every appointment or removal to be made by them
to or from the police force, created and to be organized by them