ART. 4.] PARKS. 509
bonds of said city to au amount not exceeding two hundred
thousand dollars, for the extension of Patterson park.
1886, ch. 354
719. The night watchmen employed by the public park com-
mission of the city of Baltimore shall have while on duty, the
same power that the police in said city have as conservators of
the peace.
1886, ch 438.
720. The mayor and city council of Baltimore are authorized
to issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation
to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, to be
applied to the purchase of ground for and the establishment of a
park in that portion of the city of Baltimore lying west of Pop-
pleton street and south of Franklin street in said city; which said
bonds or certificates of indebtedness shall be payable at such
times and bear such rate of interest, not exceeding three and one-
half per centum per annum, as the said mayor and city council
shall provide by ordinance; provided, that the said bonds or cer-
tificates of indebtedness shall not be issued unless the ordinance
which the mayor and city council of Baltimore are authorized to
enact for that purpose shall be approved by a majority of the
votes of the legal voters of said city, cast at the time and places
to be designated by said ordinance, in the provision for submitting
the same to the legal voters of said city, as required by section
seven, article eleven, of the constitution of Maryland; provided,
however, that the said bonds or certificates of indebtedness shall
not be sold for less than par; and the said mayor and city council
of Baltimore are authorized to provide by ordinance for the lay-
ing of such an annual tax as shall be sufficient to pay the interest
on said bonds or certificates of indebtedness, and provide a sink-
ing fund for their redemption at maturity.
P. L. L, (1860,) art. 4, sec. 83.
721. The mayor and city council may pass ordinances for pre-
serving order, securing property and persons from violence,
danger or destruction, protecting the public and city property,
rights and privileges, from waste or encroachment, and for pro-