1863, ch. 29.
708. The several members of the said park commission shall
have the power of conservators of the peace within the limits of
the said parks.
709. The board of police of the said city are authorized, on
the requisition of the park commission, to detail from time to
time such of the regular police force of said city as the said board
may deem necessary for the preservation of order within the said
parks, according to the regulations aforesaid, and under the
direction of said board; which detailed force shall have the same
power in the premises that the police of said city have as con-
servators of the peace.
1870, ch. 68.
710. If the said park commissioners should find that they
cannot agree with the owner of any land, or of any interest in
land, which may be found necessary to be added to Druid Hill
park or to Patterson park, or if any of the owners thereof, at the
time of the application be feme covert, under age, non compos
mentis, or residing out of Baltimore city, application may be made
by the said commissioners to any justice of the peace of Balti-
more city, who shall thereupon issue his warrant under hand
and seal, directed to the sheriff of the city, directing him to
summon a jury of twenty inhabitants of said city, not related
to the parties, nor in anywise interested, to meet on the land to
be valued, on a day named in said warrant, not less than ten nor
more than twenty days after issuing the same; and if at said time
and place any of said jurors summoned do not attend, the said
sheriff shall immediately summon as many jurors as may be
necessary, with the jurors in attendance, to furnish a panel of
twenty jurors in attendance, and from them each party or his
agent, or if either be not present in person or by agent, the
sheriff for him, may strike off four jurors, and the remaining
twelve may act as a jury of inquest; and before they act as such,
the sheriff shall administer to each of them an oath or affirma-
tion, as the case may be, that ho will justly and impartially value
the land required by said mayor and city council for the park
aforesaid; and the said jury shall reduce their inquisition to