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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 505   View pdf image (33K)
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ART. 4.] PARKS. 505


1862, ch. 29.

705. The resolution of the mayor and city council of Balti-
more, appointing a commission in relation to the proposed public
parks, approved June 4,1860, and an ordinance of the said mayor
and city council to provide for a public park or parks, approved July
21, 1860, are confirmed, and all acts done or which may be here-
after done by the said mayor and city council, or other officer of
said city, or by the park commission acting under the provisions
of said resolution and ordinance, shall have the same effect as if
the said mayor and city council, prior to the passage of the said
resolution and ordinance, had been expressly empowered by an
act of the general assembly to enact a resolution and ordinance
in the precise terms of the said resolution and ordinance, and to
provide for carrying the same into effect.


706. The park commission, for the time being, appointed
under the provisions of said resolution and ordinance, or any
resolution or ordinance supplementary thereto, shall have power,
from time to time, to make such rules and regulations for the
government and the preservation of order within the said parks,
as they may deem erpedient, declaring what fines, not exceeding
in any one case one hundred dollars, shall be imposed for breaches
of said rules and regulations, to be recoverable in the name of the
mayor and city council of Baltimore as small debts are recoverable
before a justice of the peace of the said city, and appropriated to
the purposes of said park.

1876, ch. 40.

707. The park commission are authorized and empowered to
regulate the speed of vehicles and equestrians on the approaches
to Druid Hill park from North avenue as they are empowered to
do within the limits of said park, and to impose the same penalties
for the violation of any regulation they may establish in this


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 505   View pdf image (33K)
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