1886, ch. 450.
337. No person shall expose for sale, or have in his
possession, offering for sale, any striped bass or rock weighing
less than one-half pound each, or any white perch weighing less
than one-quarter of a pound each; any person violating any of
the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction,
shall be fined not more than twenty dollars or be confined in jail
not more than thirty days, or both, in the judgment of the court.
1886, ch. 384.
338. No gas companies shall be formed in Baltimore city,
Baltimore county, or in Anne Arundel county, except in the city
of Annapolis.
339. No gas companies chartered in any other counties of the
State shall have the right to lay mains or sell gas in Baltimore
city, Baltimore county, or Anne Arundel county.
1886, ch. 395.
340. All charters for gas companies which have been granted
or issued under the code of public general laws, or any other law,
in Baltimore city, Baltimore county, or Anne Arundel county,
are repealed, annulled and made void, except in cases where the
companies incorporated by any of such charters have erected
works and commenced the manufacture of gas.
1888, ch. 322.
341. No corporation or person shall charge for illuminating
gas in Baltimore city a sum to exceed one dollar and twenty-five
cents per thousand cubic feet.
342. The illuminating gas furnished by any such corporation or
person shall have an illuminating power not less than twenty sperm
candles of six to the pound, and burning at the rate of one hundred
and twenty grains of spermaceti per hour, tested at a distance of