ART. 4.] FIRE. 397
forfeit said oil, and be fined not less than five nor more than
twenty dollars; said fine to be collected as other fines are now
collected, one-half to go to the informer, the other to be paid into
the treasury of the State.
1874, ch. 504.
332. Any purchaser of oils or fluids made of petroleum or its
products, for illuminating purposes, bearing the stamp required in
section 330, and which does not stand the fire-test required in
section 329, may recover from the seller in an action for debt an
amount equal to double the purchase money of said oil.
333. Any accident by reason of explosion, occurring with any
oil or fluid manufactured from petroleum or its products, shall
subject the seller thereof to prosecution for a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, to
a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, nor less than five hun-
dred dollars; one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer and
the other half to the State.
334. In case of seizure or confiscation of oils or fluids manu-
factured from petroleum or its products, as provided in section
329, the party who has sold such oils or fluids, shall have the
privilege of referring the same to some commissioned inspec-
tor, recognized by the oil trade of Baltimore, whose decisions
shall be prima facie evidence of the quality of said oil or fluid.
335. If any inspector of oils shall be convicted in a court of
competent jurisdiction of furnishing a false report of the fire-test
of any oil submitted to his inspection, he shall be liable to a fine
of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than two thousand
dollars, at the discretion of the court; said fine to be paid into
the treasury of the State.
336. The provisions of the seven preceding sections shall not
apply to oils or fluids manufactured from petroleum or its pro-
ducts, for the purpose of exportation, or for use in street lamps.