P. L. L., (1860,) art. 22, sec. 159.
295. Any commanding officer of a vessel in distress, or the
Wreckmaster, may repel by force any persons who shall without
consent press on board such vessel and thereby molest them in
preserving the vessel or goods.
Ibid. sec. 160.
296. If any goods shall be found upon any person that were
stolen or carried off from any vessel in distress, he shall, upon
demand, deliver the same to the owner or Wreckmaster, or to
such other person as shall be authorized by either of them, to
receive the same, or shall be liable to pay four times the value,
to be recovered with costs in any court in this State.
Ibid. sec. 161.
297. If any person shall make, or assist in making, a hole in
any vessel in distress, or steal any pump, materials or goods
from any vessel, or shall wilfully do anything tending to the
immediate loss of such vessel, he shall be guilty of felony, and on
conviction, shall be sentenced to the penitentiary for not less than
five nor more than fifteen years.
Ibid. sec. 162.
298. If any Wreckmaster shall by fraud or wilful neglect
abuse the trust reposed in him, he shall, upon conviction, forfeit
and pay four times the damages to the party aggrieved, to be
recovered in any court of record; and shall thenceforth be
incapable of acting as Wreckmaster.
Ibid. sec. 163.
299. Any person summoned by the Wreckmaster who shall
refuse or neglect to give the assistance required for the saving of
any vessel or cargo, shall forfeit and pay to the use of said
county the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered before any
justice of the peace of said county by the Wreckmaster; and shall
be also subject to the payment of the same damages, to be
recovered by the party aggrieved in the same manner, as in case
of a Wreckmaster.