P. L. L., (1860,) art. 82, sec. 154.
290. All others who shall assist in preserving any ship or
other vessel in distress, when employed or summoned by the
Wreckmaster, for such service shall be paid two dollars a piece
for each day he shall be engaged.
Ibid. sec. 1S5.
291. In default of such payment, the vessel or goods shall re-
main in the custody of the Wreckmaster until all charges are paid,
or security given for the same, to the satisfaction of the parties.
Ibid. sec. 156.
292. If no person shall claim the goods saved, he shall take pos-
session thereof, and cause a true description of the marks, numbers,
and kinds of such goods to be advertised four weeks in Baltimore
and Philadelphia newspapers.
Ibid. sec. 157.
293. He shall, if the goods be perishable, sell the same forth-
with, but if not, he shall retain them three months, and if no
person shall within that time claim them he shall sell them at
public sale, and after deducting all charges, shall pay the balance
to the treasurer of Maryland, who shall keep an account of the
same for the benefit of the owners or insurers, who, upon proof
of their property to the satisfaction of the comptroller, shall, upon
his warrant, receive the same.
Ibid. sec. 158.
294. If any person besides those empowered by the wreck-
master shall enter, or endeavor to enter on board any vessel in
distress, without the leave of the commanding officer, or if any
person shall molest him or them in saving the vessel or goods, or
shall endeavor to hinder the saving of such vessel or goods, or shall
deface the marks of any such goods before they are taken down
in a book by the Wreckmaster, he shall forfeit and pay the sum
of one hundred and fifty dollars, to be recovered by the owner of
the vessel or goods in any court of record in this State; and in
case of failure to pay such forfeiture immediately, or to give
security to pay the same within one month, he shall receive not
exceeding thirty-nine lashes on his bare back, by order of such