274. Shooting water-fowl at night, un-
lawful except from shore.
275. Swivel or pivot gun.
276. Violations of preceding sections;
277. Commitment in default of pay-
ment of fine
278. Arrest; warrant.
279. Condemnation of nets, guns, &c.,
280 Seizure of guns, &c,, proceed-
281. Section 280 not to apply when
person using has been arrested.
282. Sale of property forfeited under
this sub-title, proceeds
283. Appeal, appeal bond
284. Proceeds of fines to he paid to
county commissioners quar-
285. Accomplice turning informer.
286. Pay and mileage.
287. May summon men to aid him in
giving assistance to vessels in
288. May require vessels belonging to
citizens of State to render aid;
penalty for refusal to render.
289. Pay of Wreckmaster.
290. Pay of assistants.
291 Vessel to remain in his custody
till all charges paid.
292 Unclaimed goods; advertisement.
293. Unclaimed goods; sale; proceeds.
294. Going upon or interfering with
wrecks, or interfering with,
Wreckmaster, penalty.
295. Commanding officer may repel
any person coming on board,
without his consent
296. Goods stolen from wreck, re-
covery when found.
297. Acts tending to immediate loss
of a vessel, penalty.
298. Fraud on part of Wreckmaster
299. Refusal to give aid when sum-
moned by Wreckmaster, pen-
1870, ch. 123.
1. The county commissioners of Worcester county, at their
first meeting in the month of April in each year, shall appoint
three discreet persons, inhabitants of said county, to be trustees
of the poor of said county.
P. L. L., (1860,) art ZZ, sec. 2.
2. The clerk to the county commissioners shall, within five
days after such appointment, deliver to the sheriff of the county,
a certificate of the appointment of each of the said trustees, en-
dorsing one of them for each; and the sheriff shall, within six
days thereafter, deliver one of the certificates to each of the
trustees, agreeably to the endorsement thereof.