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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2111   View pdf image (33K)
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230. Refusal to pay fine after neglect
to obey summons, penalty,
231. Road supervisors; bond, liability
to suit; laborers), number to be
employed and pay.
232. Finger-boards, tearing down or
defacing, penalty
233 Acceptance by commissioners, of
new roads.
234 Incorporated towns to keep in
repair roads within one mile
from their limits.


235 County exempt from provisions
of sections 1 and 2 of article 86
of public general laws, relating
236 Allowance for keep of prisoners

Snow Hill.

237 Inhabitants a body corporate,
corporate name, powers and
238 Limits of the town.
239 Commissioners, election, who
eligible; electors.
240. Elections, where held, how con-
ducted, judges, duties, returns
and certificates of election.
241 Judges of election; oath.
242 Refusal to serve; tie vote, vacan-
cies, how filled.
243 Judges of election; absence or
refusal to serve.
244 Commissioners; oath; certificate.
245 Meetings, majority vote; presi-
dent; his duties; pay of com-

246 Clerk to commissioners; record
of ordinances; tax list.

247. Commissioners; powers; fines,
how collected.
248. Dogs.

249. Public grounds; supervision of
streets, lanes and alleys.

250. Streets, labor on.
251. Streets, condemnation proceed-
252. Taxes.
253. Assessment.
254. Treasurer.
255 Bailiff.
256 Lamps and lamp-posts; lamp-
257 Change of town limits.
258. May pass ordinances necessary to
give effect to powers vested in
259 Ordinances, publication


260. Owner may contract for lien upon
progeny, for service money of.
261. Sale of progeny for failure to pay
service money of.
262. Proceeds of sale, how distributed.

State's Attorney.

263. Fees.
264 Additional fees.
265. Account for services.
266. Pay for defending criminal cases.


267. Cutting timber with intent to
steal, penalty.
268. Malicious injury to property;
269. Entry upon private property
after notice; penalty.
270. Proceeds of fines.

Wild Fowl.

271. Season.
272. Water-fowl, catching with nets
273. Water-fowl, shooting at night by


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2111   View pdf image (33K)
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