said doors open inwards, it is required of said owners, lessees and
their agents, that said doors shall be fastened securely and firmly
1880, ch. 133.
220. Owners or lessees, or any person holding under them or
their agents, violating either of the two preceding sections, shall,
on conviction thereof, be fined by the court before whom such
conviction is had, for any violation, a sum not exceeding five hun-
dred dollars, to be recovered as other fines in this State, one-half
of which shall go to the State, and the other half to the cities
where such violation occurs and conviction thereof is had.
221. It is made the special duty of the judge or judges of the
courts having criminal jurisdiction in said cities of Hagerstown,
Baltimore, Cumberland, Frederick, Annapolis and Frostburg, to
especially charge the grand juries of said courts upon the execu-
tion of the three preceding sections; and the police authorities of
said cities are especially charged with the execution thereof, and
to that end shall direct nightly examinations by some of their
officers, of all such places.
1887, ch 241.
222. The citizens of Hancock, in Washington county, are a
body corporate, by the name of "The Burgess and Commission-
ers of Hancock," and by that name may sue and be sued, and
may have and use a common seal. They may open and lay off
streets and alley-ways, and may also open such streets and alley-
ways as may have been closed up.
223. The bounds of said town shall be as follows: Beginning
at a culvert over the Little Tonolavvay creek, west of Hancock,
running east with the berm bank of the Chesapeake and Ohio
canal to a ravine, near the house formerly owned by Jacob Fry;
thence with said ravine north one-fourth of a mile; thence due
west to Tonolaway creek; thence with the bed of said creek to
the place of beginning.